Note 5 – Fixed assets and intangible assets

Fixed assets

Amounts in NOK millionsArtVehiclesMachinery, equipment
and inventories
Land, buildingsTotal
Acquisition cost as at 01.01.2019111 7064782 188
Year’s disposals ---00
Year’s additions--16723
Acquisition cost as at 31.12.2019111 7224852 210
Accumulated depreciation and write-downs-11 6193121 932
Book value as at 31.12.20191-103173278
Annual depreciation--10124125
Depreciation schedule (straight-line)Ingen avskr.5 år3–6 år10–25 år

The company has expensed some minor leases for cars, office machinery and equipment.

Intangible assets

Intangible assetsIT infrastructureGames and game
Acquisition cost as at 01.01.201929118032812811
Year’s disposals -----
Year’s additions--2-2
Acquisition cost as at 31.12.201929118033012813
Accumulated depreciation and write-downs 25117832412764
Book value as at 31.12.20194036049
Annual depreciation 44811164
Depreciation schedule (straight-line)5 år3-7 år5-7 år3 år

Intangible assets relate to development projects carried out under the company’s direction. The projects involve the development of new solutions or modifications of solutions purchased from external suppliers. The total earnings from ongoing development projects are expected, as a minimum, to equal total related expenses. Costs related to the salaries and other personnel expenses of employees directly involved in the development work are not capitalised since the company has no reliable means of measuring them.

Depreciation and write-downs20192018
Intangible assets6447
Fixed assets125136
Total depreciation189183